photo-mosaic creator - logo

Online photo-mosaic maker from a library of pictures galleries or your photo album. No software to download

Pages for direct access to image galleries:

Cat Dog Bird
Flower Cactus
Love Pretty Men Pretty Women Smiley
BirthDay Christmas New Year Mother Day
Car Bike Truck Train
Venice Paris Las Vegas Islands

photocollage - english language Welcome!
photocollage - french language Bienvenue!
Examples Help Results Printing

  • Can I use one of my photos as the main image?

    • YES. A simple private photo, even in low-quality, is enough to create the photo-mosaic

  • Where to get image galleries?

    • Hereunder. The library of images is composed of thematic galleries as multiple choice.

    • The more appropriate photos are selected to create the mosaic

  • Is it possible to use my photo albums for inclusion in the final image?

    • YES, with or without the proposed photo galleries.

  • Can I set up options for image processing?

    • YES. You have a choice between 2 graphics resolutions and several merge modes for a better render.

    • It is possible to not use library and personal photo album by inserting only your main image.

  • Should I download and install a graphics software?

    • NO. This service is online and does not requires any program installation.

    • In case of inserting your private photos, the Pictosaic image compressing tool may requiere an add-in into your internet browser.

  • An original gift idea!

    • Give your creation as a gift to celebrate an event or to express your emotional feelings.

Photo-mosaic made from images of Apollo missions

This online service is totaly free.
thanks for making it known or to provide a post onto your blog, forum or in the news, and including its URL link into your comment.
If you are registred into an online sharing service, the links below you can access them quickly.

My main picture:
(jpg, png or gif file) 
Creation type:  I select my photo-galleries below.  
I select all the galleries
The postermosaic will be only made of my main picture repeted thousands times
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Cat 25 Cat
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Dog 18 Dog
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Bird 7 Bird
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Flower 10 Flower
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Cactus 7 Cactus
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Love 14 Love
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Pretty Men 17 Pretty Men
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Pretty Women 29 Pretty Women
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Smiley 11 Smiley
Page:photomosaic. Photo:BirthDay 21 BirthDay
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Christmas 13 Christmas
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:New Year 20 New Year
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Mother Day 24 Mother Day
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Car 18 Car
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Bike 6 Bike
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Truck 30 Truck
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Train 8 Train
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Venice 24 Venice
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Paris 14 Paris
Page:photomosaic. Photo:Las Vegas 14 Las Vegas
Page:Photo-mosaic. Photo:Islands 16 Islands
Optional creation
of my private gallery: 
   I create and I add my own photo-gallery
Number of tiny images:  2400 (ex: 60 x 40 photos): advised for render the tiny images from far viewable
5400 (ex: 90 x 60 photos): advised for keeping the best render of the main picture
Merge with my  
main image: 
No merge (my main image does not appears in transparency).
Low merge (my main image appears in low transparency)
High merge (my main image is very viewable).
Centred merge (my main image is very viewable in the middle and decreases to the borders).
Main picture into the photo-mosaic:  My main picture will appear only one time somewhere into the mosaic (but where???)
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