This is the more easy solution.
This service will automatically insert all the image files found on one or more folders of your choice into the file.
The contained images will have the ideal size of 40x40 pixels with the PNG format. This allows you th insert a great number of photos.
- 300 photos corresponds to an file of de 1000 Ko size.
- So, the transfer, with a low ADSL connection, will take arround of one minute.
You can keep this file for futures usages on
The file is created on your disks.
So, you may meet some security rules:
- Your internet browser, according to his configuration or type, may refuse to use this service.
- If ok, a warning window will ask you to confirm his usage.
Pictosaic guaranties that the service do nothing else than to read your selected images and to create the file.
This solution is an alternative of the previous one, in the cases of the impossibility to use it or if you prefer to not use it.
Your files can be in the JPEG, PNG or GIF formats.(extensions .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif).
- Open a window to select the folder which contains your images. Idealy, it should contain only image files.
- Click on it with the right button (for MacOs, Apple+Click). a contextual menu is displayed.
- Select (according your system version) "winZip" or
"Send to => Compressed file".
- A compressed file named with your selected folder and the extension ".zip" will be created.
It contains all the files of your folder (images ou not images).
Take care of the file size!
Remind to insert small photos, especially in case of a great number!
This is not really a technical constraint, but you may quicly be discouraged by the transfer duration.
Ideally, the images should have a 40x40 pixel squared size.
Note that the JPEG format have a lower quality than the PNG format..